
Say we want to provide a way for users to find all brown bunny rabbits under the age of 3 whose name contains the letter c. This is one way we could make such a request via a RESTful api.

GET < 3, name ~ 'c', color == brown

In this post, I will explain how to use Scala to create a grammar representing this query that could be used to produce the specific data requested.

Specify The Grammar

First we need to formalize the grammar. We are really only concerned with this part of the string.

age < 3, name ~ 'c', color == brown

We need to break this string down into smaller and smaller parts. We’ll start out with the string itself, and break it down until we get to atomic pieces.

Expression List

Let’s call the entire string an expression-list, and each specific comma-separated item an expression. For our example string, that would give us three expressions making up a single expression-list.

For now we’ll just use a pseudo-language to define the grammar and help us visually layout the structure of the grammar. Later on we will convert it to functional Scala code.

expression-list = expression (, expression)*


Here are the three expressions from our example

age < 3
name ~ 'c'
color == brown    

Each is composed of three parts. A name, comparator, and a value. The name always appears on the left of the comparator, and the value on the right.

expression = name comparator value


An name is a symbol. Let’s follow standard convention and say that these must start with a letter or an underscore, which can then be followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores.

name = [_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*

If you are unfamiliar with this syntax, we’ve borrowed the grouping characters [ and ] from regular expressions and used them to indicate a group of valid characters. The + and * characters also are reminiscent of regular expressions and indicate “one or more” and “zero or more” respectively.


A comparator is really just a keyword or static phrase to reference which specific operation we use to compare the contents of a name to a value. In this language, let’s just support the ones from the example. Namely, < (less than), ~ (contains), and == (equals).

comparator = < | ~ | ==

The | character is called a pipe, and is used as an alternator, which means that a comparator can be a < OR A ~ OR A ==.


A value represents something that can be compared against. A name only refers to a symbol or variable, but a value can be anything that could possibly be contained inside that variable, so we need to be more liberal with our definition.

Ultimately, we would like anything to qualify as a value, but since these will be transmitted in a URL and also need to parseable, we will have to make some restrictions. Namely, we will disallow the ampersand and the comma.

value = [^&',]+ | '[^&,]*'

Let’s break this down. There are two possibilities, unquoted [^&,]+ and quoted '[^&,]*' values. Adding in quotes to our grammar allows us the ability to create empty expressions like this.

middleName == ''

The inside part [^&',] introduces a new character, the caret ^. It is used inside the square bracket grouping to indicate that the characters in the grouping are not allowed.

So [^&',] says that any characters that are not an ampersand, single quote, or comma are allowed as part of a value. Let’s take a look at each disallowed character.

  • ampersand & - Disallowed because it is used in URLs to separate query parameters, so it is reserved.
  • single quote ' - The single quote is reserved to designate values themselves, a la name ~ 'c'. If we didn’t have this rule, then the single quotes would be interpreted as part of the value rather than defining it.
  • comma , - Commas are already used to separate expressions in an expression-list, so they are reserved.

Complete Grammar

If you put all those rules together, they look like this.

comparator = < | ~ | ==
value = [^&',]+ | '[^&,]*'
name = [_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*
expression = name comparator value
expression-list = expression (, expression)*

(Interlude) Set Up

Now, before we actually translate the grammar we just defined into a working Scala program, we need to set up our Scala development environment and RegexParser.

First, let’s set up some boilerplate code to compile, run, and test this. We need to create three files: the main app, the parser, and a short compile script. We also create a directory named classes to keep our compiled code tidily separated from our source code.

~/BunnyParser $ ls
App.scala BunnyParser.scala classes/

Here is our main Scala object

// App.scala
object App {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    println(BunnyParser.parse("Hello World!"))

Here is the parser. For now, it just uses a single grammar expression that matches everything (matchesEverything = .*).

// BunnyParser.scala
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
import scala.util.parsing.input.CharSequenceReader

object BunnyParser extends RegexParsers {

  def matchesEverything = """.*""".r

  def parse(s: String) = {
    parseAll(matchesEverything, new CharSequenceReader(s))

And a simple script to compile and run the code.

scalac -d classes *.scala && scala -cp classes App

You can download a this starting setup here.

Once you have it ready, just do chmod u+x, and then compile and run it like this.

~/BunnyParser $ ./
[1.13] parsed: Hello World!    

That just took the string “Hello World!” and interpreted it with the extremely simple catch-all grammar. Now it’s time to swap in our own grammar.

Code It

Here is the summarized grammar specification that we created earlier.

comparator = < | ~ | ==
value = [^&',]+ | '[^&,]*'
name = [_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*
expression = name comparator value
expression-list = expression (, expression)*

Let’s take each grammar rule and translate it into a valid RegexParser expression in our BunnyParser.


There are three possible comparators. We could just refer to them directly by their associated symbols <, ~, and ==, but it is cleaner if we define a grammar for each specific comparator and then refer to those grammars.

def lessthan = "<"
def contains = "~"
def equals = "=="
def comparator = lessthan | contains | equals

Now if we ever want to amend this specification to include synonyms for the comparators, we could do it by just changing these definitions.

def lessthan = "<" | "lt"
def contains = "~" | "ct"
def equals = "==" | "eq"
def comparator = lessthan | contains | equals


For value, we need to use regular expressions. Fortunately, Scala makes this really easy. To compile the string 'sometext' into a regular expression, we just type it like this: """sometext""".r.

Using this information, we can now define our value grammar.

def quotedValue = """'[^'&,]*'""".r
def unquotedValue = """[^&',]+""".r
def value = unquotedValue | quotedValue


name can be compiled similarly.

def name = """[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*""".r


An expression is a combination of name, comparator, and value. These can be sequenced using the ~ character - not to be confused with the character we are defining in our grammar to mean “contains”.

def expression = name ~ comparator ~ value

Expression List

In order to keep the rules of our grammar easy to read, we will split the expression list into two parts: head and tail. The head is just an expression, and the tail is a list of zero or more comma-separated expressions.

def expressionTail = "," ~ expression
def expressionList = expression ~ (expressionTail*)

Try It

Here is our complete parser, with the parse method updated to take our newly minted expressionList grammar.

import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
import scala.util.parsing.input.CharSequenceReader

object BunnyParser extends RegexParsers {

  def lessthan = "<"
  def contains = "~"
  def equals = "=="
  def comparator = lessthan | contains | equals

  def quotedValue = """'[^'&,]*'""".r
  def unquotedValue = """[^&',]+""".r
  def value = unquotedValue | quotedValue

  def name = """[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*""".r

  def expression = name ~ comparator ~ value

    def expressionTail = "," ~ expression
    def expressionList = expression ~ (expressionTail*)

  def parse(s: String) = {
    parseAll(expressionList, new CharSequenceReader(s))

Then we can test our parser with some expressions like this.

object App {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    println(BunnyParser.parse("age < 3, name ~ 'c', color == brown"))

Run it and everything looks great!

$ ./ 
[1.28] parsed: (((age~<)~3)~List((,~((name~~)~'c')), (,~((color~==)~brown))))

Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

Parsing a string into a grammar is useless without actually doing something with it. You may not have noticed, but our BunnyParser actually returned an object that is vaguely tree-like. The result (((age~<)~3)~List((,~((name~~)~'c')), (,~((color~==)~brown)))) could be diagrammed something like this.

 ,        ,
  \        \
   name     color
    \        \
     ~        ==
      \        \
       'c'      brown

In order to intelligently interpret this data, we might want to associate some types to the parts of the tree.

age (Name)
   < (Comparator)
     3 (Value)
       List (ExpressionList)
 ,        ,
  \        \
   name     color (Name)
    \        \
     ~        == (Comparator)
      \        \
       'c'      brown (Value)

In addition, we would really like the hierarchy of the objects to better match the hierarchy of the domain.

      |                |                |
     Exp              Exp              Exp
    / | \            / | \            / | \
   /  |  \          /  |  \          /  |  \
  /   |   \        /   |   \        /   |   \
Name Comp Val    Name Comp Val    Name Comp Val
 |    |    |      |    |    |      |    |    |
age   <    3     name  ~   'c'   color  ==  brown

Our grammar was driven by the design of the language, but we need another structure driven by the semantic meaning of the symbols. This is called an Abstract Syntax Tree, or AST.

The AST will be easily traversable, and thus easier to actually apply to our data as a “query”, which was our original goal with creating this grammar and interpreter.

We can model the AST exactly off of the above diagram. Let’s create a new file AST.scala.

// AST.scala
object Comparator extends Enumeration {
    type Comparator = Value
    val LessThan, Contains, Equal = Value
import Comparator._

case class Name(name: String)
case class Value(value: String)
case class Expression(name: Name, comparator: Comparator, value: Value)
case class Filter(expressions: List[Expression])

Now that we have defined the AST, we need to modify our grammar to create an instance of it when we interpret a string. Before, all of our grammar definitions actually returned a Parser object by default. We want them to instead return the appropriate object from our AST.

This is done using the ^^ and ^^^ operators. The double caret ^^ can be used to access the string value that was parsed, while the triple caret ^^^ just returns a static value.

  def lessthan = "<"
  def contains = "~"
  def equals = "=="
  def comparator = (lessthan ^^^ Comparator.LessThan
    | contains ^^^ Comparator.Contains
    | equals ^^^ Comparator.Equal)

  def quotedValue = """'[^'&,]*'""".r ^^ { case v => {
    Value(v.substring(1, v.size-1))
  } }
  def unquotedValue = """[^&',]+""".r ^^ { case v => Value(v) }
  def value = (unquotedValue | quotedValue) ^^ { case v => v }

  def name = """[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*""".r ^^ { case n => Name(n) }

  def expression = name ~ comparator ~ value ^^ { case n ~ c ~ v => Expression(n, c, v) }

  def expressionTail = "," ~ expression ^^ { case _ ~ e => e }
  def expressionList = expression ~ (expressionTail*) ^^ { case e ~ l => e :: l }

Finally, to verify that our AST was created correctly, we add toString methods to our AST. Once we have parsed the AST, we can just print it out to see if it matches our expectations.

case class Name(name: String) {
    override def toString = name
case class Value(value: String) {
    override def toString = value

case class Expression(name: Name, comparator: Comparator, value: Value) {
    override def toString = name.toString + " " + comparator.toString + " " + value.toString

case class Filter(expressions: List[Expression]) {
    override def toString = expressions.mkString(", ")

Compile and run, and voila! We have now created an AST representing the query we started with.

$ ./ 
[1.36] parsed: List(age LessThan 3, name Contains c, color Equal brown)

At this point, how you use the AST will be dependent on your situation, but you now have a fully typed and instantiated structure that represents a query that originally existed just as a stream of characters. Traverse it with whatever tree-traversal algorithm is appropriate and apply it to your data query.